Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Top 10 Care tips after abortion

Top 10 Care tips after abortion:
Monitoring after the procedure or she develops complication with the surgical procedure.
Follow up care after medical abortion.

If you go for medical abortion at least 2 visits to the clinic are required. At the first visit a medicine known as mifepristone is given. It has to be taken by mouth at the hospital or clinic. At the second visit 48 hours later your doctor will ask about symptoms of pregnancy, bleeding, and cramping. If there is doubt that the pregnancy termination is not complete you will be given misoprostol dose at this visit.
A third visit, days 12-20 later is recommended. The doctor will ask you about symptoms of pregnancy and may do an ultrasound to verify that the pregnancy has terminated. After medical abortion continue  conducting pregnancy test as advised by your doctor until the test is negative. An empty uterus on ultrasonography, a decrease in hCG level by 90%, or a negative pregnancy test indicate completeness of the medical abortion.
Follow up care after surgical termination of pregnancy.
Your doctor will monitor you for at least 30 minutes after the surgery, checking for abdominal pain, unusual bleeding and observing vital signs.
1. It is advisable to consult your doctor for birth control anintrauterine device (IUD) for birth control can be inserted or hormonal injection for birth control may be given before you leave the hospital after surgical abortion
2. Postoperative follow up 1-3 weeks after the procedure is important. Your doctor will check to make sure the pregnancy has been terminated, you have no medical complications, discuss and offer contraceptive care (if you have not yet started some kind of contraceptive) and assess your psychological status.
3. Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms
4. Severe abdominal pain.
5. Heavy bleeding (more than four or five pads per hour or more than 12 pads in 24 hours).
6. Continued pregnancy symptoms (can be an ectopic pregnancy).
7. Fever of 100.4°F or higher .
8. Other signs of infection, such as vaginal drainage with a foul odour, pus like vaginal drainage, abdominal pain or tenderness.
9. Take your medications pain relievers (after surgery, such as acetaminophen ibuprofen, naproxen), or antibiotics as advised by your doctor.
10. It is important to have emergency contact numbers and instructions regarding where to go in case of an emergency.

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