Wednesday 29 April 2015

Common asthma Symptoms in adults

Common adult asthma symptoms 
Chest tightness.
Shortness of breath.
Common asthma Symptoms in adults:

Your doctor may also ask you about the following when looking forward to an infant asthma diagnosis:
In infants, wheezing after an upper respiratory tract infection increases the chances of having infant asthma.
Night time cough.
Wheezing occurs after exposure to allergens.
Exposure to tobacco smoke before or after birth.
Wheezing or panting during normal activities.
Difficulty with sucking or eating that leads to a refusal to eat.
Breathlessness and chest tightness.
Pale skin.
Blue lips or fingernails.
Looking exhausted.
When your infant wheezes, be sure you have your child evaluated to make sure they do not have infant asthma.

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