Thursday, 30 April 2015


Hair is formed in tiny pockets in the skull known as follicles. The upgrowth from follicle is called the papilla. Papilla with the help of a specific group of cells that turn amino acids into keratin, produces hair. Keratin is a type of protein that makes hair. Higher the rate of production of keratin, more will be the hair growth. 

The rate of production, in turn, depends on the vital nutrients supplied through the diet of a person. If vitamins and other nutrients are provided in sufficient amounts, hair grows at normal rate but if there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients then no protein is formed which, on the one hand, stops the growth of hair and on the other hand makes the hair weak leading to hair loss and baldness. Therefore, one of the major reasons of hair loss is deficiency of nutrients. There are some other reasons for hair loss too.
1.  Lack of vitamin B6, folic acid, calcium etc.
2.  Stress
3.  Prolonged Illness
4.  Improper or irregular cleaning of hair
5.  Heredity
6.  Pollution; environmental hazards
7.  Application of chemicals on hair ( hair straightening, coloring, hair dyes etc.)
8.  Poor blood circulation

Honey Benefit as a Beauty Ingredient

Honey Benefit as a Beauty Ingredient:
Manufacturers have used honey in everything from hand lotions and moisturizers to bar soaps and bubble baths. One reason they use honey is for its wholesome, all-natural image; more and more consumers are demanding cosmetics and personal care products made from natural ingredients. In the case of honey, however, image is just the beginning.

First, honey is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. This makes honey a natural fit in a variety of moisturizing products including cleansers, creams, shampoos and conditioners.

Look for honey in store-bought beauty products or simply add a squeeze of honey to your moisturizer, shampoo or soap at home.  For some extra pampering, try whipping up a simple beauty recipe yourself.
Using honey, a natural humectant with antimicrobial properties, we have created a series of recipes that will help hydrate skin while relaxing the soul.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Top 10 Care tips after abortion

Top 10 Care tips after abortion:
Monitoring after the procedure or she develops complication with the surgical procedure.
Follow up care after medical abortion.

If you go for medical abortion at least 2 visits to the clinic are required. At the first visit a medicine known as mifepristone is given. It has to be taken by mouth at the hospital or clinic. At the second visit 48 hours later your doctor will ask about symptoms of pregnancy, bleeding, and cramping. If there is doubt that the pregnancy termination is not complete you will be given misoprostol dose at this visit.
A third visit, days 12-20 later is recommended. The doctor will ask you about symptoms of pregnancy and may do an ultrasound to verify that the pregnancy has terminated. After medical abortion continue  conducting pregnancy test as advised by your doctor until the test is negative. An empty uterus on ultrasonography, a decrease in hCG level by 90%, or a negative pregnancy test indicate completeness of the medical abortion.
Follow up care after surgical termination of pregnancy.
Your doctor will monitor you for at least 30 minutes after the surgery, checking for abdominal pain, unusual bleeding and observing vital signs.
1. It is advisable to consult your doctor for birth control anintrauterine device (IUD) for birth control can be inserted or hormonal injection for birth control may be given before you leave the hospital after surgical abortion
2. Postoperative follow up 1-3 weeks after the procedure is important. Your doctor will check to make sure the pregnancy has been terminated, you have no medical complications, discuss and offer contraceptive care (if you have not yet started some kind of contraceptive) and assess your psychological status.
3. Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms
4. Severe abdominal pain.
5. Heavy bleeding (more than four or five pads per hour or more than 12 pads in 24 hours).
6. Continued pregnancy symptoms (can be an ectopic pregnancy).
7. Fever of 100.4°F or higher .
8. Other signs of infection, such as vaginal drainage with a foul odour, pus like vaginal drainage, abdominal pain or tenderness.
9. Take your medications pain relievers (after surgery, such as acetaminophen ibuprofen, naproxen), or antibiotics as advised by your doctor.
10. It is important to have emergency contact numbers and instructions regarding where to go in case of an emergency.

Common asthma Symptoms in adults

Common adult asthma symptoms 
Chest tightness.
Shortness of breath.
Common asthma Symptoms in adults:

Your doctor may also ask you about the following when looking forward to an infant asthma diagnosis:
In infants, wheezing after an upper respiratory tract infection increases the chances of having infant asthma.
Night time cough.
Wheezing occurs after exposure to allergens.
Exposure to tobacco smoke before or after birth.
Wheezing or panting during normal activities.
Difficulty with sucking or eating that leads to a refusal to eat.
Breathlessness and chest tightness.
Pale skin.
Blue lips or fingernails.
Looking exhausted.
When your infant wheezes, be sure you have your child evaluated to make sure they do not have infant asthma.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Diabetic Diet

Diabetic Diet:
If you have diabetes, your body cannot make or properly use insulin. This leads to high blood glucose, or sugar, levels in your blood. Healthy eating helps keep your blood sugar in your target range. It is a critical part of managing your diabetes, because controlling your blood sugar can prevent the complications of diabetes.

A registered dietitian can help make an eating plan just for you. It should take into account your weight, medicines, lifestyle, and other health problems you have.
Healthy diabetic eating includes
•Limiting foods that are high in sugar
•Eating smaller portions, spread out over the day
•Being careful about when and how many carbohydrates you eat
•Eating a variety of whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables every day
•Eating less fat
•Limiting your use of alcohol
•Using less salt

Yoga for Asthma Patients

Yoga treatment for asthma patients helps them prevent further attacks and recover from them easily. This has known to benefit people from all ages. It does not involve tough postures or many breathing exercises meant to reduce tensions in breathing patterns, constrictions and provide respite from stress. Let us explore a few yoga postures for patients that can treat and also prevent asthma:

Yoga helps an asthma patient calm their mind. The stretching patterns, postures and focus on breathing pattern tranquilizes the mind and frees it from anxiety, which is the chief cause of asthma attack to aggravate.
Yoga prevents an asthma attack to turn into a bronchial attack at later stages, the latter being much more severe and untreatable. Bronchial asthma is mainly caused due to pollution and smoking causing infection in the lungs and the trachea.
Perform these exercises only in the presence of professionals. They can help you with the ideal postures, proper breathing patterns and correct you when you are going wrong. Correct procedure is very important for patients opting for yoga to treat their asthmatic conditions.
Discussed below are a few general yoga postures that can be practiced indoors:
Sukhasanais the easiest yoga exercise and can be done without guidance or help from a professional. Sit in the meditation posture with your back straight and legs folded. Pull your stomach in as much as you can without straining yourself. This helps in straightening your spinal cord and makes you calm. Concentrate on your breathing while doing this asana.
Shoulder lifts: stiff shoulder and neck leads to headaches and tension. This yoga treatment can improve your flexibility. Half spinal twist is the best way to relax your muscles.
Lie flat on your back and bring your knee closer to your forehead. Pull your shin muscles while keeping your spine straight on the floor. Keep a check on your breathing patterns while doing this and make sure you are breathing slowly. As soon as it gets uncomfortable, release and start with the opposite leg. Relieve your mind with this yoga posture. It works well for the digestive system and relieves excessive gas that is built in the stomach.
Breathe from one nostril while keeping the other nostril closed with your thumb. Repeat at least 50 inhalations and exhalations alternately from each nostril, one at a time. Give a gap of five minutes and repeat the set without stopping. This can be done anywhere and anytime!
A half spinal twist is known to strengthen and flatten the spinal cord. You must seek the help of a professional while doing this.Apart from practicing yoga, avoid going to damp places or colder climates. If it is inevitable, keep yourself fully covered and warm. The setting in of winters also triggers asthma attacks. Many people suffering from asthma turn claustrophobic. Know your symptoms and seek help from yoga practitioners for a long term respite. Do not be surprised if you feel refreshed and charged after every yoga session!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Regular Abdominal Exercises for men and women

Reverse Crunch
•Lying on your back on the floor, hold onto a table leg to help keep your torso against the floor throughout the exercise.

•Keep the knees slightly bent.
•Pull your pelvis and legs up slowly so that your knees are above your chest.
•Slowly return to beginning position.
The Crunch
•The crunch is one of the most basic but most effective workouts for the abdominal muscles.
•Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, legs bent at a 45 degree angle and hands resting underneath the neck.
•Make sure you press the small of your back into the floor throughout the duration of the exercise to guard against back injury.
•Lift the back and head off the floor and push the chest up toward the ceiling. The feet, buttocks and small of the back remain on the floor.
•Lower back to the ground and into the starting position.
•The amount of repetitions you do will really depend on the strength of your stomach muscles. 

How Do I Quickly Remove Blackheads?

Blackheads, or comedones, occur when pores on the face become clogged with oil in the skin known as sebum. They are a common problem for those with oily or combination skin, and can be very difficult to get rid of. There are some blackhead removal methods to try, however, that may be effective at getting rid of existing blackheads and at preventing new ones from forming.

The first method of blackhead removal is to use a deep cleansing, exfoliating scrub. Used regularly, a soap-free facial cleanser can help dissolve blackheads in the pores without damaging the surrounding skin. An exfoliating scrub may be used once or twice a week to attempt to remove persistent blackheads.
When applying moisturizer to the face, choose a gentle moisturizer that is oil-free and will not clog the pores. Of course, sometimes simply cleansing the skin is simply not an effective blackhead removal method.
Many people find it impossible to resist squeezing the blackhead in order to remove it. Though this method should be avoided because it can actually make the blackhead worse and cause scarring, if it is absolutely necessary to squeeze, there are some tips to remember.

First, place a warm washcloth over the blackhead for a few minutes to loosen it. Then, using a cotton ball or tissue around the fingers, press around the sides of the blackhead and up. Do not scrape the skin with the fingernails, and if this method does not work in one or two tries, stop for the day and try again the next day. Continued pressure can force the oil deeper into the pores and make it worse. Some department stores and drugstores sell blackhead extractor or blackhead eraser tools, which use a similar method and may be slightly more sanitary. Sticky strips that adhere to the face and are then pulled off for blackhead removal are not recommended, as they can damage the skin. For natural methods of blackhead removal, some people recommend the application of honey, lemon juice, baking soda and water, or even grated potatoes directly to the skin. After applying any of these to the skin, simply wait for approximately ten to 15 minutes and wash it off; the blackheads should dissolve.

Be sure not to over-cleanse the face, which can encourage the overproduction of oil and make blackheads worse. Try to find a gentle cleanser designed for oily skin. In addition, remember to always wash makeup off at the end of the day to prevent blackheads from forming. 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Benefits of Green Tea in reducing the Risk of Cancer

There are several studies which have been carried out on humans and which indicate that indeed, it destroys cancerous cells. This is attributed to the high level of EGCG which is also known as the active ingredient. This ingredient kills any cells that showcase inappropriate growth.

A study carried out in Japan in 500 women suffering from Stage I and II breast cancer indicate that by increase of green after and prior to surgery lowers recurrence. There are also studies that show a correlation between lung cancer and intake of the same. These indicate that by increasing intake, you can enjoy the benefits of green tea.

Bipasha diet and workouts for a Bikini fit body

Despite being a fitness freak Bipasha did not want to leave any stone unturned to look her best in a bikini in Players. She improved her diet and workouts 3 months in advance as she wanted to look really toned in her bikini scene. 

Bipasha has already worn a Bikini in Dhoom 2 and now wears a two-piece for a film five years after.“I did not follow a different diet or workout regime to look perfect in the bikini, as I stay fit all year round. I only went on a strict, high-protein diet for some time and increased the intensity of my cardio workouts.”
Bipasha is said to have plans to launch another workout routine on how to get a good beach body. Find details of Bipasha's first fitness dvd 'Love Yourself' here
Bipasha’s bikini diet
Egg whites in all forms
Mushrooms and broccoli
Steamed fish with less salt
Snacking on nuts, apples and drinking several cups of green tea
And last but not the least, six weeks of rigorous discipline

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Banana Honey Mask for Sensitive Skin

Homemade products with natural ingredients are the best alternatives to products that contain harmful chemicals. Banana can keeps your skin soft, moisturizing and nourishing. So here is a simple body scrub that can be simply made at home with banana and sugar.

1 Ripe banana
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract (you can use your favourite essential oil instead of vanilla extract)
Mash the banana and add the other ingredients. Do not over mix the contents as the mixture may become watery and difficult to apply. This can be used as a body scrub. Massage the mixture over your body before taking a shower and rinse off with warm water. If you want to use the scrub on your face do not add sugar to the mixture, and gently massage it on your face avoiding the eye area.

Healthy recipes with water melon(chilled water melon)

1 ripe watermelon, 30 ml sherry, lemongrass water, 6 sprigs of fresh mint, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

• Split the melon into half and juice it in a blender.
• Use a sieve to separate the seeds as well as the pulp.
• Set aside 1/3 cup of the juice.
• To prepare lemongrass water, take 1 stick of lemongrass and smash the base.
• Simmer in water for 20 minutes on low flame.
• Allow it to cool Using a melon-ball scooper to make 12 balls.
• Add sherry to the watermelon juice and mix thoroughly.
• Add lemongrass water and mix thoroughly.
• Add salt and pepper to taste While serving, place four melon balls in the centre of the soup bowl.
• Pour soup evenly around balls. Garnish with a sprig of mint.
• Chop the remaining mint and sprinkle around edges of the bowl.
• As an accompaniment, you could have a smoked cheese and grilled vegetable Panini or any cheesy dish as cheese tends to have a drying effect on the palate, in stark contrast to watermelon.