Wednesday, 25 May 2016

keyboard Class Around You

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What are Mudras?

Mudras are hand, body or eye positions that facilitate certain energy flows in the body and by forming a specific mudra one can induce certain states of mind and consciousness. They generally work by preventing the dissipation of prana (life-force) from the fingertips. In order to do this, one brings the fingers together in various ways, which helps create certain subtle energy circuits. These circuits then channel prana along particular pathways to affect the mind/body mechanism in specific ways. Although their effects are subtle, the changes they produce can be sensed by those with refined awareness. 

Mudras are psychic, emotional, devotional and aesthetic gestures or attitudes. Mudras can be experienced as attitudes of energy flow, intended to link individual pranic force with universal or cosmic force.They are combination of subtle physical movements which alter mood, attitude and perception, and which deepens awareness and concentration. A mudra may involve the whole body in a combination of asana, pranayama, bandha and visualization technique or it may be a simple hand position. Intense practice can lead to awakening of the pranas, chakras and kundalini, and bestow major sidhis or psychic powers to the advanced practitioner.

How do Mudras work? The nadis and chakras are constantly radiate prana which normally escapes from the body and dissipates into the external world. By creating barriers within the body through the practice of mudra, the energy is redirected within. Once the dissipation of prana is arrested.

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati
                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.

Monday, 23 May 2016

IOS Training Institution Around You

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What are Kriyas?

Kriyas are cleansing techniques used to purify the body and mind which ultimately open the pathways of the body, the nadis, the energy body, the mind, and the heart. The purpose of kriya is to eliminate any blockages which prevent the proper absorption of pranic energy into the human organism. 

Kriyas, one of the most important aspects of bahiranga yoga rid the body of all toxins. Environmental pollution, adulteration of food and increased stress levels lead to increased toxins in the body and a strained internal system. Kriyas rid our bodies of all the toxins and strengthens the 72,000 nadis, which are the channels of energy in our body, forming a kind of electrical circuit system. Sickness is largely due to a problem in these electrical circuits.

How do Kriyas work? Kriya is also the spontaneous movement of the physical body caused by voluntary action, prana, or Kundalini energy. These movements are designed to break up blockages in the physical, emotional (or subtle), and causal (or mental) bodies. The aim of kriyas is to create harmony between the two major pranic flows, ida and pingala, thereby attaining physical and mental purification and balance. Purification of the body of toxins is a must to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path. 

Psychologically, kriyas are excellent methods for clearing accumulated complexes, problems and suppressed thoughts in the mind, enabling the practitioner to witness what is surfacing.

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati

                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.

Fashion Design institutions Around You

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Sunday, 22 May 2016

Guitar Guru's Around You

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What are Bandhas?

Bandhas are neuromuscular locks performed to increase the endocrine (glandular) secretions in our body. Our moods are determined by the levels of hormones in our body. As a result of the direct effect that the bandhas have on the endocrine glands, certain bio-rhythms in the body are also regulated. Yogis talk about ananda maya chitta, a relaxed and happy state of mind. Bandhas are one of those tools that restore the hormonal balance in the body making you happy and relaxed throughout the day.

In Sanskrit 'Bandha' means to lock or hold, this describes the physical action involved in the practice of the bandhas. The bandhas aim to lock the pranas in particular areas and redirect their flow into the sushumna nadi for the purpose of spiritual awakening. Bandhas bound/bind back the dissipative energy restraining the outward flow of prana while bringing it back from the periphery towards the centre in order to achieve union. In other words bandhas can be viewed as valves because they direct the internal energy flow to irrigate the nadis and activate the energy (pranic) body. 

Granthis or knots, prevent free flow of prana in a nadi. Granthis represent blockages in man's awareness of himself at the different levels of consciousness; they obscure the true image of man's essential nature. Bandhas are prescribed as one of the most effective means of untying these knots or blockages, existing as tension, anxieties, repressions and unresolved conflicts, thereby allowing us to re-discover our true nature.

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati

                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Skating Trainers's Around You

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Some Benefits of Yoga

  • Increases energy, vitality and focus.
  • Boosts morale and interpersonal communications.
  • Helps combat/mitigate work related disorders such as lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fatigue, poor circulation, and high blood pressure and depression.
  • Improves attitude, disposition and ultimately productivity and efffectiveness.
  • Improves concentration, decision-making and multi-tasking abilities.
  • Improves posture, body image and confidence.
  • Promotes a healthier lifestyle.
  • Builds commaraderie.

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati
                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Western Dance Guru's Around You

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(Breath Regulation and Control) Pranayama is the art of wishful awareness of the entire breathing system. It is a form of meditation. To control the mind, one needs to work on the breath. No other science has studied respiration as deeply as Yoga.

 Pranayama is a technique to control breathing which is the link between the mind and the body. Pranayama helps control the mind and increase awareness oneself without distraction from the thoughts that constantly bombard our minds. It calms the mind by concentrating on one's breathing and ultimately going beyond the breath. Yogis have devised thousands of varieties of prananyama, which affect different aspects of the brain and the body. Some yogic techniques work to cool the body while others increase the body temperature. This temperature change alters the endocrinal (hormonal) secretion rate. The number of breaths per minute in a sitting position- 12 to 16; while sleeping – 30 to 35; when angry – 45 to 60; and 2-3 breaths when relaxed. 

The philosophy of Yoga is that a human being's age is related to the total number of breaths he takes in his lifetime. When a person practices breathing techniques of pranayama, he changes his breathing pattern for the whole day. The number of breaths per minute in all the situations discussed above gets lesser and lesser every day and thus increasing his age and slowly, the person starts becoming more peaceful and relaxed. The oneness between his physical and mental body gets heightened. There are 3 parts of pranayama: purak (controlled inhalation), rechak (controlled exhalation) and kumbhak (retention). Kumbhak is the most important aspect of pranayama and it is further

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati
                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Yoga Guru's Around You

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Carnatic Music Guru's Around You

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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Corporate yoga workshops

Every day  is  an opportunity for a new life .every day you stand at the tipping point of life and one day you can change the future through the way you feel,

Our workships are designed to give you a complete yoga experience…Our goal is to integrate the many benefits of yoga into your organization’s wellness package.  We provide experienced and qualified yoga instructors to conduct onsite classes at your facility. By bringing yoga to you, employers can provide a low cost, easily implemented wellness discipline that will leave employees feeling better physically and mentally, with increased flexibility, balance and focus. 

The sessions can be divide into three forms –junior, middle or senior level management.

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati
                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.


This is the period when your body and mind are engaged in the creation of a new life. It can be a unique and valuable experience. Yoga can help you to have an easier, healthier pregnancy and delivery.

Practice slowly and gently and the postures and breathing exercises will: Relax and strengthen your body It is common for first time mothers to feel completely at sea – something very unusual is occurring within one's body. There are so many changes to juggle with, so many people with different opinions to share. You don't know where to begin.

Sri Sri advises pregnant women to "Keep it simple, keep it easy – first take a long, deep breath and relax." When you are comfortable and at ease, everything falls into place and you begin to live, breathe and move effortlessly. A smile appears naturally on your face and people compliment you on how confident, graceful and at ease you appear.

Remember if you are mentally at ease, most of the work's already in place!

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                                                                                                      Mansi Gulati
                                                                                                      International Yoga teacher.