Kriyas are cleansing techniques used to purify the body and mind which ultimately open the pathways of the body, the nadis, the energy body, the mind, and the heart. The purpose of kriya is to eliminate any blockages which prevent the proper absorption of pranic energy into the human organism.
Kriyas, one of the most important aspects of bahiranga yoga rid the body of all toxins. Environmental pollution, adulteration of food and increased stress levels lead to increased toxins in the body and a strained internal system. Kriyas rid our bodies of all the toxins and strengthens the 72,000 nadis, which are the channels of energy in our body, forming a kind of electrical circuit system. Sickness is largely due to a problem in these electrical circuits.
How do Kriyas work? Kriya is also the spontaneous movement of the physical body caused by voluntary action, prana, or Kundalini energy. These movements are designed to break up blockages in the physical, emotional (or subtle), and causal (or mental) bodies. The aim of kriyas is to create harmony between the two major pranic flows, ida and pingala, thereby attaining physical and mental purification and balance. Purification of the body of toxins is a must to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path.
How do Kriyas work? Kriya is also the spontaneous movement of the physical body caused by voluntary action, prana, or Kundalini energy. These movements are designed to break up blockages in the physical, emotional (or subtle), and causal (or mental) bodies. The aim of kriyas is to create harmony between the two major pranic flows, ida and pingala, thereby attaining physical and mental purification and balance. Purification of the body of toxins is a must to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path.
Psychologically, kriyas are excellent methods for clearing accumulated complexes, problems and suppressed thoughts in the mind, enabling the practitioner to witness what is surfacing.
This is only information not for Practice. Please Contact guru for any Quries.
Mansi Gulati
International Yoga teacher.
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