Mudras are hand, body or eye positions that facilitate certain energy flows in the body and by forming a specific mudra one can induce certain states of mind and consciousness. They generally work by preventing the dissipation of prana (life-force) from the fingertips. In order to do this, one brings the fingers together in various ways, which helps create certain subtle energy circuits. These circuits then channel prana along particular pathways to affect the mind/body mechanism in specific ways. Although their effects are subtle, the changes they produce can be sensed by those with refined awareness.
Mudras are psychic, emotional, devotional and aesthetic gestures or attitudes. Mudras can be experienced as attitudes of energy flow, intended to link individual pranic force with universal or cosmic force.They are combination of subtle physical movements which alter mood, attitude and perception, and which deepens awareness and concentration. A mudra may involve the whole body in a combination of asana, pranayama, bandha and visualization technique or it may be a simple hand position. Intense practice can lead to awakening of the pranas, chakras and kundalini, and bestow major sidhis or psychic powers to the advanced practitioner.
How do Mudras work? The nadis and chakras are constantly radiate prana which normally escapes from the body and dissipates into the external world. By creating barriers within the body through the practice of mudra, the energy is redirected within. Once the dissipation of prana is arrested.
This is only information not for Practice. Please Contact guru for any Quries.
Mansi Gulati
International Yoga teacher.
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