Sunday 15 April 2012

Benefits of Folic Acid during Pregnancy

Folic acid or folate is a water soluble form of vitamin B9. When taken during and before pregnancy it prevents serious birth defects. If a woman is planning to conceive or has found out that she is pregnant then it is important to increase intake of folic acid, at least up to 400 mcg. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), by taking folic acid on daily basis a pregnant woman can prevent seventy percent of brain, spine and other neural tube defects (NTDs).  
Benefits of Folic Acid during Pregnancy
  • Folic acid facilitates normal cellular development of the unborn baby. Many women don’t realise the importance of regular folic intake before and during pregnancy. According to a study, women with deficiency of folic acid are at two to three time higher risk of delivering premature baby.
  • Folic acid minimises the risk of cleft lip or cleft palate. Cleft lip is a birth defect that affects the upper part or roof of the mouth.
  • It minimise the risk of heart defects in baby.
  • Moreover, it facilitate healthy and quick growth of placenta and foetus. Absence or lack of folic acid can impair foetal growth and cell division.
  • Folic acid plays an important role in production of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), extra blood cells needed during pregnancy and most importantly prevent neural tube defects.
  • Folic acid is also known to facilitate proper formation of haemoglobin.
  • Besides, it minimises possible risks of Alzheimer’s disease, heart attack, stroke and cancer.
  • This simple vitamin can prevent pain and complications for both mother and newborn.
  • Birth defects usually occur in the initial four weeks of pregnancy. Most women even don’t figure out their pregnancy in the first few weeks and therefore they don’t take the required amount of folic acid. If you are one of them then it is essential to talk to your obstetrician and know what quantity of folate you need to have now.
  • Some of the excellent source of folic acid in pregnancyare Lentils,Breakfast cereals,Beans,Chicken,Beef liver,Citrus juices
  • Other foods that have folic acid include oatmeal, broccoli, corn, enriched pastas and breads, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, lima beans, sprouts, orange juice and avocados.

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